Monday, December 28, 2009

Rihanna Gone Crazyyyyy

Lemme start by introducing myself. Name is Sushila [Sue-She-La], call me Sush or Sushi, it's whatever. Chained to a small town big city dreams blah blah blah. Got my own opion and i will voice it, cause it's hilarious. I rant, I rave.& Here I go;

I looooooooove me some Rihanna! I loved this girl from when she first came out with Pon de Replay, it twas my shit. She has a great voice, killer vibe, and amazing style. This bitch is one of my style icons. Her music related to my heartbreaks, anger, and when I want to pretend like I am a decent singer.Am I wrong? No. However since she went through that over-popularized account with Mr.Brown, (booo!), I fret she's lost it. I've recently gotten a hold of her newest CD, Rated R, which is amazing btw outside of one track I dislike to the fullest. However it's completely different from all her other CDs. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad and it totally works for her, I just feel like she's gone coo-koo bananas a wee bit. I went through some of her photos for her new album and they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - I don't even know! In one I couldn't find to post, she was bathing in a pile of broken, naked plastic dolls. Wtf?! Does that satisfy you? Rihanna what's your issue honey?! Sheesh.

Her transformation as an artist, at first, was gradual and made sense. You know you come out and you're force to be molded into a person the record label wants you to be until you can eventually AND SLOWLY morph into your real self. Of course on the way you grow up and learn about yourself and all that bull crap but this is an epic jump from characters!

I just hope she doesn't end up like Kanye and blam all his odd, rude behavior on his vituals for his mother. [R.I.P, no disrespect, but com'on now. Enough is ENOUGH]
Regaurdless I love my RiRi, and her craziness. Just take it easy honey. Small doses of crazy, small.